
Bluestacks app player for windows v
Bluestacks app player for windows v

You can now start using the version of BlueStacks 5 that runs with Hyper-V enabled.

bluestacks app player for windows v

Hyper-V will be enabled after your PC restarts.

bluestacks app player for windows v

Windows will need to restart your PC to apply the requested changes. After enabling all of the Windows features applicable for your PC, click on "OK".Ĥ. You can enable the options from the list that are available for you.ģ. NOTE: You may not see some of the options listed below as they are dependent on the version of Windows installed on your computer. Enable all of the options from below that are present on the list of Windows Features for your computer. NOTE: The appearance of the search menu may vary depending upon the version of Windows you are using.Ģ.

bluestacks app player for windows v

On your desktop, search for "Turn Windows features on or off" and click on it in the search results. You can enable Hyper-V on your PC if you wish to use the Hyper-V compatible version of BlueStacks 5.Įnabling Hyper-V also comes in handy if you face an error while trying to launch the Hyper-V compatible version of BlueStacks 5, as shown in the image below.ġ.

Bluestacks app player for windows v